Narration সর্ম্পকে কিছু মৌলিক ধারণা
Narration – এর সংজ্ঞা ; বক্তা যাহা বলে তাহা অন্যের নিকট উপস্থাপন করাকেই Narration বলে।
# Kinds of Narration-( Naration-এর প্রকার ) : Naration প্রধানত: দুই প্রকার । যথা :
- Direct Naration or Direct Speech.
- Indirect Naration or Indirect Speech.
💥Grammarly এখন ফ্রীতে ব্যবহার করুন ! ![]() |
Direct Narration or Direct Speech –এর সংজ্ঞা:
বক্তা যাহা বলে তাহা কোন পরিবর্তন না করে অবিকল অন্যের নিকট উপস্থাপন করাকেই Direct Narration or Direct Speech বলে । যেমন:
- He said, “ I am going to school.” – সে বলিল, “ আমি স্কুলে যাইতেছি ।
Keep in mind – ( মনে রখো ):
He said, হলো Reporting verb এবং “ I am going to school. “ হলো Reported speech বা Direct Naration. এখানে উল্লেখ্য যে, বক্তার অবিকল কথাটা বা Reported speech বা Direct Naration “ Inverted Commas”-এর মধ্যে থাকে । আর Reporting verb-টি “ Inverted Commas”-এর বাইরে থাকে ।
Indirect Narration or Indirect Speech –এর সংজ্ঞা:
বক্তা যাহা বলে তাহা পরিবর্তন করে নিজের ভাষায় অন্যের নিকট উপস্থাপন করাকেই Indirect Narration or Indirect Speech বলে । যেমন:
- He said that he was going to school. –সে বলিল যে সে স্কুলে যাইতেছিল । এই বাক্যে বক্তার কথাকে পরিবর্তন কবা হয়েছে ।
Keep in mind – ( মনে রেখো ):
Indirect Naration বা Speech – এ “ Inverted Commas “ –এর দরকার হয় না । এখানে উল্লেখ্য যে,
“ I am going to school.” = বক্তার অবিকল কথা এবং He was going to school = বক্তার কথা পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে ।
আরো পড়ুনঃ Sentence কাকে বলে? Sentence কত প্রকার ও কি কি?
Read more Naration from Wikipedia
# Different manner of Naration – ( বিভিন্ন ধরণের Narration ):Meaningful Sentence-এর ভিত্তি করে Naration পাঁচ প্রকার । যেমন:
- Naration of Assertive Sentence.
- Naration of Interrogative Sentence.
- Naration of Imperative Sentence.
- Naration of Optative Sentence.
- Naration of Exclamatory Sentence.
Note: প্রত্যেক ধরনের Naration-এর কতকগুলো Rules আছে, যাহা Naration-এর জন্য অতীব জরুরী । এইসব Rules গুলো পরবর্তীতে বিভিন্ন ধরনের Naration-এর বিস্তারিত আলোচনায় আলোচনা করা হবে ।
# 1. Details On Narration Of Assertive Sentence – (Assertive Sentence-এর বিস্তারিত Narration ):
- Rules of Changing Narration of Assertive Sentence :
Rule-1 : Reported Speech-এর 1st person সবর্দা Reporting verb-এর person, number ও Gender ( subject ) অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয় এবং Indirect Narration বা Indirect Speech-এ Reporting verb-এর পরে “that” conjunction –টি যুক্ত করতে হয় ।
For example-( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Narration | Indirect Narration |
I said, “I am wrong”. | I said that I was wrong |
You said, “ I am wrong”. | You said that you were wrong. |
He said, “ I am wrong”. | He said that he was wrong. |
Rule-2: Reported Speech- এর 2nd person সবর্দা Reporting verb –এর object-এর person, number ও gender অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয় । যেমন:
For example-( উদাহরণ ) : ছকে দেখানো হলো:-
Direct Narration | Indirect Narration |
Rashid said to me, “ I shall go with you”. | Rashid said to me that he would go with me. |
Rashid said to you, “ I shall go with you.” | Rashid said to you that he would go with you. |
Rokeya said to Hasina, “ I shall go with you.” | Rokeya said to Hasina that she ( Rokeya) would go with her ( Hasina). |
Rule-3 : Reporting verb যদি present বা Future tense হয়, তাহলে Reported speech – এর verb-এর tense কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না । কেবলমাত্র person পরিবর্তিত হয় । যেমন:
For example-( উদাহরণ ) : ছকের মাধ্যমে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He says, “I am unwell.” | He says that he is unwell. |
He says, “I went to school.” | He says that he went to school. |
Rahim will say, “I shall go to the field”. | Rahim will say that he will go to the field. |
Rule-4: Direct Narration থেকে Indirect Naration-এ পরিবর্তনের সময় নিম্নের শব্দগুলো এরূপ পরিবর্তিত হয় । যেমন:
For example-( উদাহরণ ): নিম্নে ছকের মাধ্যমে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech | Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
Now | then | Tomorrow | the next day or the following day |
Here | there | Yesterday | the previous day |
This | that | Thus | in that way |
These | those | Tonight | that night |
Hence | thence | Last night | the previous night |
Today | that day | x | x |
Rule-5 : Direct Narration-এ Reporting speech-এর verb যদি past tense হয়, তাহলে Reported speech-এর principal verb গুলো corresponding past tense হয়। যেমন: ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Corresponding past tense | |
Present indefinite | Past indefinite |
Present continuous | Past continuous |
Present perfect | Past perfect |
Present perfect continuous | Past perfect continuous |
Past indefinite | Past perfect |
Past continuous | Past perfect continuous |
Past perfect | No change |
Past perfect continuous | No change |
Shall | Should |
Will | Would |
Can | Could |
May | Might |
For example-( উদাহরণ ) : নিম্নের ছকে ধেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He said, “ I eat rice “. | He said that he ate rice. |
He said, “ I am eating rice.” | He said that he was eating rice |
He said, “ I have eaten rice.” | He said that he had eaten rice. |
He said, “ I have been eating rice.” | He said that he had been eating rice. |
He said, “ I ate rice .” | He said that he had eaten rice. |
He said, “ I was eating rice.” | He said that he had been eating rice. |
He said, “ I shall eat rice.” | He said that he would eat rice. |
He said, “ I shall be eating rice.” | He said that he would be eating rice. |
Rule-6: Reported speech যদি Universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য ) বা Habitual fact ( অভ্যাসগত ) অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, তাহলে Reporting verb past tense হলেও Reported speech-এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না । যেমন:
For example-( উদাহরণ ) : নিম্নের ছকে ধেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He said, “ Honesty is the best policy.” | He said that honesty is the best policy. |
My father said, “ Man is mortal.” | My father said that man is mortal. |
The teacher said, “ Birds fly in the sky.” | The teacher said that birds fly in the sky. |
# 2. Details On Narration Of Interrogative Sentence -(Interrogative Sentence-এর বিস্তারিত Narration ):
Interrogative sentence-কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech-এ পরিবর্তিত করার সময় কিছু নিয়মমকানুন বা Rules মেনে চলতে হয় । এই নিয়মকানুনগুলো বা Rules নিম্নে দেওয়া হলো :-
Rule-1: Interrogative sentence-এ Reporting verb “say” পরিবর্তিত হয়ে “ask” বা “inquire of “ হয় । যেমন:
For example- ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He said to me, “ Who broke my glass?” | He asked/inquired of me who had broken his glass. |
He said to me, “ Whose pen is this?” | He asked me whose pen was that. |
Rule-2: Reported speech-এর শুরুতেই যদি am, is, are, shall, will, can, may, do – এইসব auxiliary verb থাকে, তাহলে Indirect speech –এ Reporting verb-এর পর “if” বা “ whether” বসে । যেমন:
For example– ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He said to me, “ Are you going to school?” | He asked me if/whether I was going to school. |
He said to me, “ Will you go to school?” | He asked me if I would go to school. |
He said to me, “ Can I do the work?” | He asked me if I could do the work. |
He said to me, “ May you help me?” | He asked me if I might help him. |
He said to me, “ Do you go to school?” | He asked me if I went to school. |
Rule-3: Reported speech-এর শুরুতেই যদি what, which, who, whose, whom –এইসব interrogative pronoun বা when, why, how, where –এই সব interrogative pronoun ও adjective থাকে, তাহলে “If” বা ”whether” বসে না । যেমন:
For example– ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
He said to me, “ Who broke my glass?” | He asked me who had broken his glass. |
He said to me, “ Whose pen is this?” | He asked me whose pen was that. |
He said to me, “ Whom do you like best?” | He asked me whom I liked best. |
He said to me, “What do you want?” | He asked me what I wanted. |
He said to me, “ Why do you make a noise?” | He asked me why I made a npoise. |
He said to me, “ When did you come to Dhaka?” | He asked me when I had come to Dhaka. |
He said to me, “ How are you today?” | He asked me how I was that day. |
He said to me, “ Where is your brother?” | He asked me where my brother was. |
# 3. Details On Narration Of Imperative Sentence- (Imperative Sentence –এর বিস্তারিত Narration):
Imperative sentence-কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech-এ পরিবর্তনের সময় কিছু নিয়মকানুন বা Rules অনুসরণ করতে হয় । যেমন:
Rule-1: Imperative sentence-এ Reported speech দ্বারা ……
- আদেশ বুঝালে Reporting verb-এর “say” পরিবর্তিত হয়ে “order” হয়।
- উপদেশ “ “ “ “ “advise” “
- অনুরোধ “ “ “ “ “request” “
- সামরিক আদেশ “ “ “ “ Command” “
Rule-2: Reported speech- এর পূর্বে “to” বসে ।
Rule-3: Negative –এর “do” উঠে যায়, পরে “not” এবং verb-এর মধ্যবর্তীস্থানে “to” বসে । যেমন:
For example– ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
The man said to his servant, “ Bring a glass of water | The man ordered the servant to bring a glass of water. |
My father said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” | My father advised me not to run in the sun. |
He said to me, “Please help me.” | He requested me to help him. |
The General said to his soldiers , “ March forward.” | The General commanded his soldiers to march forward. |
Note: Infinitive-এর পূবেৃ “say” না বসে, “tell” বসে । যেমন:
Direct speech: He said to me, “ Go home.”
Indirect speech: He told me to go home.
Rule-4: Vocative case বা case of address-এর ক্ষেত্রে যাকে সম্বোধন করা হয় বা যার সাথে সমন্ধ তাকে Reporting verb-এর সাথে যুক্ত করতে হয় । যেমন:
For example– ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
He said, “Hamid, come to our home.” | He told Hamid to go to their home. |
The man said, “ Friends, please listen to my address.” | Addressing them as his friends the man requested to listen to his address. |
The boy said, “ Sir, please allow me to go out.” | The boy requested the person spoken to respectfully to allow him to go out. |
Rule-5: ”Let” দ্বারা যদি আদেশ বুঝায়, তাহলে Reported speech-এর subject-এর পরে “might” বা “might be allowed” বসে । যেমন:
For example– ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
The boy said, “ Let me go out.” | The boy said that he might be allowed to go out. |
The man said, “Let me have a glass of water.” | The man said that he might be allowed to have a glass of water. |
Rule-6: “Let’ দ্বারা যদি প্রস্তাব বুঝায়, তাহলে:-
- Reporting verb-এর “say” পরিবর্তিত হয়ে propose বা suggest হয ।
- Reported speech-এর subject-এর পর should বসে ।
- “Let”-এর object-টি যদি 1st person ও plural number হয়, তাহলে প্রস্তাব ধরে নিতে হবে । যেমন:
For example- ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
I said to him, “Let us go out for a walk.” | I proposed to him that they should go out for a walk. |
The president said, “ Let us drop the matter | The president suggested that they should drop the matter. |
# 4. Details On Narration Of Optative sentence-( Optative sentence-এর বিস্তারিত Narration ):
Direct Narration থেকে Indirect Narration-এ পরিবর্তিত করা সময় Optative sentence-এর একটি মাত্র নিয়ম বা Rule অনুসরণ করতে হয় বা ব্যবহার করতে হয় । যেমন:
Rule-1: Optative sentenএ Reporting verb-এর “say” পরিবর্তিত হয়ে “wish” বা “pray” হয় এবং Reporting verb-এর পরে “that” বসে । যেমন:
For example- ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Narration | Indirect Narration |
I said to him, “ May you be happy.” | I wished that he might be happy. |
The man said to me, “ May Allah bless you.” | The man prayed that Allah might bless me. |
We said, “ Live long our president.” | We wished that our president live long. |
The old man said to them, “ May you be great.” | The old man prayed that they might be great. |
# 5. Details On Narration Of Exclamatory Sentence-(Exclamatory Sentence-এর বিস্তারিত Narration):
Direct Narration-কে Indirect Narration –এ পরিবর্তিত করার সময় কিছু নিয়মকানুন বা Rules অনুসরণ করতে হয় । যেমন:
Rule-1 : Exclamatory sentence-এ Reported speech-এর অর্থ অনুযায়ী Reporting verb-এর “say” পরিবর্তিত হয় । যেমন :
- দুঃখ প্রকাশ করলে exclaim with sorrow or cry out in sorrow.
- অনুশোচনা প্রকাশ করলে exclaim with grief.
- আনন্দ প্রকাশ করলে exclaim with joy.
- অবাক প্রকাশ করলে exclaim with wonder.
- শুভেচ্ছা প্রকাশ করলে wish
- বিদায় প্রকাশ করলে bade হয় । যেমন:
For example- ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Narration /Speech | Indirect Narration / Speech |
He said, “ Alas ! I am undone.” | He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone. |
He said, “ Alas! My dog is dead.” | He exclaimed with sorrow that his dog was dead. |
The girl said, “ Hurrah ! We have won the game.” | The girl exclaimed with joy that they had won the game. |
Nina said, “ Good morning my friends.” | Nina wished her friends good morning. |
He said, “ Good bye, my brothers and sisters. | He bade his brothers and sisters good bye. |
Rule-2 : Exclamatory sentence-এ ব্যবহৃত what, how, who ইত্যাদি যদি প্রশ্ন না বুঝিয়ে excess অন্যকোন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, তাহলে Indirect Narration করার সময় great, very, none ইত্যাদিতে পরিবর্তিত হয় । যেমন:
For example- ( উদাহরণ ): ছকে দেখানো হলো :-
Direct Narration/Speech | Indirect Narration/Speech |
Rahim said, “ What a nice picture it is !” | Rahim exclaimed with wonder that it was a very nice picture. |
I said to him, “ How happy you are!” | I exclaimed with joy that he was very happy. |
He said to him,” What a fool I am !” | He exclaimed with grief that he was a great fool. |
He said, “ who know this would happen.” | He exclaimed with surprise that who knew that would happen. |
“ The End”
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